
Skincare for him

Skincare isn't only for women, it's just as important for men to adopt a skincare routine early on in order to develop healthy habits. Even though there are some differences between men and women when it comes to skin (men's skin is thicker) the basic fundamentals for a beneficial skincare regimen are very similar. Here are some simple steps to help the man in your life get his skincare routine on track.

man washing face

We've talked about this before and we'll say it again-first and foremost it's very important to identify your skin type, what works for one person may not work for another. Here are some different skin types and their characteristics:

Normal Skin:
  • Free of blemishes
  • Isn't sensitive
Sensitive Skin:
  • May sting after using product
  • Flushes easily
Oily Skin:
  • Prone to breakouts
  • Looks and/or feels greasy
Dry Skin:
  • May flake
  • Rough
  • Itchy
Combination Skin:
  • Dry in some areas, oily in others (usually the T-Zone)


Understanding your skin type is the first step when learning how to care for your skin and choose products that are right for you.

Here are some dermatologist-recommended tips when it comes to caring for your skin:

  1. Wash your face each day, especially after sweating!
  2. When choosing skincare products, read labels. The products you choose will depend on your specific skin type. *If you have sensitive skin, pick products that are fragrance-free since certain chemicals can leave this type of skin feeling irritated. If your skin is oily or prone to blemishes, choose products that are oil-free, since these won't clog your pores. You may also benefit from using salicylic acid which is great for sloughing off dead skin cells and excess oil.
  3. Moisturize your skin immediately after washing.
  4. Protect your skin from the sun's harmful rays (yes, even in the winter). 


For a better looking complexion, these steps should be performed daily (ideally when waking up and before going to bed).